We are waiting for delivery of two new switches with 100GE ports for
the CDLAN and IRIDEOS/Avalon POPs.
Wa are working on adding more mesh connections between our POPs.
PeeringDB authentication has been enabled in IXP Manager.
We formally joined the MANRS IXP initiative (we were already compliant
and no changes were needed).
We created a new container to answer ARP requests for the
de:ad:be:ef:06:66 blackholing MAC address.
The quarantine VLAN now has the full set of route servers (rs1 and rs2
for IPv4 and IPv6).
IXP Manager has been kept up to date.
The ARP sponge has been upgraded.
Monitoring of ICMPv6 Router Advertisement messages has been fixed and
members emitting them are being chased.
In progress:
We have a new design for www.minap.it, which still needs to be cleaned
up and integrated.
L2 blackholing (RS support is still missing, no clear members demand).
Migrate the route servers to bird 2.
Implement RPKI validation on the route servers.
June 1 (update #6)
IXP manager has been upgraded! Do not miss the details below.
New members:
Alfa Service (pending connection)
GOLINE (pending connection)
IPKom (pending connection)
Isiline (pending connection)
Neten (pending connection)
Qcom (pending connection)
Optima Italia (pending connection)
FASTNET (pending connection)
Apuacom (pending connection)
Newmediaweb (pending connection)
WorldStream (pending connection)
Since our last update in April:
A route server which does not export any route is now active on the
quarantine VLAN.
rs1 was updated to BIRD 1.6.5 (had issues) and then 1.6.6.
All switches have been updated to IOS 16.6.5 to fix CSCvi11123.
IXP manager has been upgrade to 5.0.0.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: because of changes in how IXP manager handles users,
all the "customer administrator" accounts (the ones that were activated
by MINAP staff and which could only be used to create more accounts)
have been deleted and all the "customer user" accounts have been
promoted to be read/write accounts. They can be demoted again to "read
only" if you want this.
See https://docs.ixpmanager.org/usage/users/ for details.
Another related new feature is that now a single account can manage
multiple customers.
In progress:
We have a new design for www.minap.it, which still needs to be cleaned
up and integrated.
L2 blackholing (RS support is still missing, no clear members demand).
Formally joining the MANRS IXP initiative (no significant changes are
needed, except for some documentation improvements).
April 2 (update #5)
New members:
Tiscali Italia
Isiline (pending connection)
Timenet (pending connection)
IPKom (pending connection)
InternetONE (pending connection)
GOLINE (pending connection)
Neten (pending connection)
Notably, Init7 and InternetONE are Swiss access networks.
Since our last update in November:
rs2 has been moved to the Telnet datacenter.
the CDLAN-Telnet fiber circuit has been installed and commissioned.
VPLS has been implemented to better distribute the traffic on all
circuits and to handle paths redundancy.
IXP Manager has been upgraded to the latest release 4.9.3.
In progress:
We have a new design for www.minap.it, which still needs to be cleaned
up and integrated.
L2 blackholing (RS support is still missing, no clear members demand).
Formally joining the MANRS IXP initiative (no significant changes are
needed, except for some documentation improvements).
Apr 29, 2023
100GE ports are available in the Seeweb data center too.